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"An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words."

- Sanford Meisner


Acting Fundamentals
an online class

6-week session for young actors

6 group classes plus

 a one-on-one private


each additional sibling $250



Wednesdays, Starting August 19





Thursdays, Starting August 20







Meetings held via the Zoom platform and will be limited to 6 students per class.

Our students will have a blast while learning the foundation of truthful acting!


We offer a comprehensive approach that equips our students with the techniques needed to succeed. In this class, we will focus on character study, script analysis and improvisation. Students will learn how to break down a scene, make strong character choices and take direction. As a result of this, their confidence will soar and their performances will captivate! Above all else, our future Streeps and Pacinos will explore, create and discover their own unique inner artist!

Class Schedule


Week 1: 6:30-8:00 Script Analysis/Technique/Improv 


Week 2: 6:30-8:00 Script Analysis/Technique/Improv

  • Scenes will be distributed/emailed at the end of class. 


Week 3: 6:30-8:00 Character Development

  • Private one on one will be scheduled with each student this week to work on their scene. 


Week 4: 6:30-8:00 Character Development/Technique


Week 5: 6:30-8:00 Technique/Improv/Performance

  • Students will perform their scenes for their classmates. 


Week 6: 6:30-8:00 Technique/Improv/Performance

  • Students will perform their scenes for their classmates.

Inquire & Sign Up

Thanks for submitting. We will get back to you ASAP!

Or call us at 661-429-2300.

On Camera Audition Technique

Coming soon!

Prerequisite: Scene Study/Improv class.

Online Private Coaching

Private Coaching

With Jeannette Sousa or Ryan Scott


Private coaching is a must for sharpening your audition skills and taking your performance to the next level! During this time, we help the actor break down their material and make strong choices so that they stand out at their audition! We help them bring their character to life and avoid the traps that so many young actors fall into. Most importantly, private coaching will give them the confidence needed to succeed. 

For more info and to schedule, contact us at 661-429-2300 or

Self-Tape + Reading

With Jeannette Sousa or Ryan Scott

$50/30 minutes

Nothing upsets a Casting Director more than an amateur looking self-tape, and in the age of social distancing, most of us have no choice but to shoot at home!


An amateur recording will NEVER be shown to producers, so let us help you set up your frame, lighting and then read with your young actor. A good reader, off-camera cues, and eyelines (the on-camera tricks of the trade) are crucial components for a self-tape. 

Increase your booking odds with a professional self-tape!

For more info and to schedule, contact us at 661-429-2300 or

Private Coaching + Self-tape Combo

With Jeannette Sousa or Ryan Scott

$115 – 1 hour coaching + taping

For more info and to schedule, contact us at 661-429-2300 or

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